Friday, February 17, 2012

My keyboard and me

"One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot is, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time.  Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book; give it all, give it now." -- Annie Dillard

Today I spilled coffee on my laptop keyboard.  If you had been there with me, you would have been astounded by the speed in which I raced to find a napkin for such a small dribble.  After the scamper, the best method of clean up was obviously my cardigan sleeve.  But the whole exchange was not without its elements of hysterics.  Too bad I was in public.  Coffee shop fail.

Me and my keyboard have been through a lot together.  I bought this laptop right before starting grad school.  I wonder how many words it has helped me to articulate.  After considering many pages of brilliant theological thought in papers, not so brilliant Facebook posts, many emails, and a blog entry or two... that's a lot of words and a lot of expression.  So even though my novel project is still gathering dust-- I should own the fact that I am a writer.  I am a writer because I write.  And in the last few years, my thoughts, through their written nature, have found much fullness, indeed: they have found life.

I have been learning that I extend grace to many people-- lastly I extend grace to myself.  I have been holding that dusty novel against myself for years.  (legit, years)  Perhaps my learning for today is that I HAVE been writing.  And through reading all of it, I think one could get a pretty good idea of what my world is like, what goes on between my ears, and what makes my soul sing.  Today I am reminded that my writer-soul has plenty of reason for singing.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just like love

My companion, coffee, now cold, and I were cruising down the highway when I saw a curious sight.  A "one way" sign with a graffiti tag saying "I <3 Dominic".  Which got me thinking, who is this Dominic?  Does the tagger still love Dominic?  Was it a dizzying intoxication, a dare, or a longer-termed affliction which caused the artist to declare their love in such a way?  Indeed, was there only "one way" to say it?

And maybe it's Valentine's day coming quickly that has me hypersensitive to the love around me.  But not the candy, chocolate, consuming kind-- but the kind which consumes and defines who we are.  I was thinking about the love which surrounds me, in all its expressions.  It seems to me that I spend an awful lot of time thinking about who I am and how I am defined.  What I miss is that I am only defined and gifted identity through the eyes of those who love me.  Who I am is composed of a web of who I love, and who loves me (which is not always the same thing).

I am glad that love is a practice.  A practice which I cannot do in a vacuum, I need the other to practice love, I need a community.  And practice means I can make mistakes, and the grace of how we meet each other held in this web of love means I can grow into who I am to be, and who and how I love shapes me.  There is room in practicing to be proficient, and to be insufficient, each held with their intention in mind.

These are the things which strike me today.  This is what I am learning.  How is love shaping you into the person you are meant to be?

For a collection of visuals on the subject: